I’m not sure what service to book for.

If you are a new client of Alexis, please fill out the New Client Form, that will help her determine what services will be best suited to your needs. You can also book a consultation to have in person in the studio or via Zoom (please make a note when booking, if your consult with be online, otherwise Alexis will be expecting you in person).

The price list does go into detail about what each service is best for, so please take your time reading the descriptions to get a sense of what you might want or need. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Is your studio accessible?

The studio is located on the second floor, and needs to be accessed by one flight of stairs with a handrail. If we can assist in anyway with accessing our studio please let us know.

Should I wash my hair before my appointment?

We are happy to do the washing for you! For curly cuts, freshly washed and dried or day 2 hair is preferred, with minimal styling products, and NO buns, ponytails, clips, headbands etc.

Will you be doing someone else’s hair while I’m there?

Your time at Studio Blue is solely for you only. We do not double book any appointments so you’ll have Alexis’ full attention and focus, and she’ll be the only one with you during every step of your appointment.

Can I bring my kids to my appointment?

For your first visit to Studio Blue, we please ask that you come alone. Alexis loves kids, but finds it very distracting for herself and you, her guest. That first appointment is a special opportunity to really make sure your needs are met and it’s hard to deliver the true Studio Blue experience with children present. After your first visit, once Alexis has had a chance to get to know you and your hair, feel free to ask if children can come along, however most agree it’s preferable to have the time all to yourself.

How often should I get my hair cut?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Alexis is a firm believer in giving yourself enough time between appointments to really feel like you’ve had a change after a cut. It can feel so refreshing, uplifting and exciting to get a fresh cut, and sometimes you just don’t get that feeling from a 6 week trim.

However it’s all personal preference, and there’s nothing wrong with coming sooner. It also depends on what you do with your hair day to day, and what your long term goals are.

Where can I park?

If you are doing any shopping at Milford Centre before or after your appointment at Studio Blue you may park there for 180 minutes. Alternately there is plenty of street parking on many side streets such as Frater, Dobson, Saltburn, or further down Milford road by the beach. Please give yourself enough time to manage traffic and parking. If you arrive early you can take a stroll through the Booklover book shop just below/next to our studio.

What if I’m running late?

You can simply reply to the text message we sent reminding you of your appointment, letting us know you’re on your way. We cannot accommodate lateness past 15 minutes. If you are more than 15 minutes late your appointment will need to be rescheduled.

Do you offer any refreshments?

We offer a selection of Noble & Sunday teas, Meebs coffee before 3pm, and still and sparkling water.

Can I have a quiet appointment? I just don’t feel like talking today.

Absolutely. When booking you can add a note to your appointment. Feel free to let us know about any preferences, Alexis will be more than happy to enjoy the silence too!

I’m scent sensitive, can I have a scent free appointment?

We cannot guarantee our space will be “scent free” but we do offer a variety of unscented products as well as products without artificial fragrances (they do contain essential oils). When booking please add a note that you’d prefer no scented products, no artificial fragrance, or even no products at all.

What if I’m not 100% happy with my hair?

Please don’t feel bad about letting us know somethings not right. We’ll gladly make any adjustments needed to your cut or colour, however our services are NON-REFUNDABLE. Please email us at info@studiobluehair.com within 48 hours of your visit and we’ll do what we can to make it right.